Monday 1 January 2018

Some Resolutions: 2018

Hi, and thanks for stopping by.

Today's post is going to be something I'll potentially regret...2018 reading resolutions. I don't tend to make New Year's resolutions in my personal life, but I certainly have some reading habits that could do with tidying up, so I figured it wouldn't do any harm to set a few goals. Obviously my original plan has changed slightly in this finished version, but they are all ideas I'll hopefully get to!! Here goes nothing...

(If you'd like to buy this gorgeous blog planner, you can get it at Dot Creates, as well as other awesome blogging bits and stationary. Go support a great independent business!!)

1. better netgalley feedback
  This is the resolution I'm most passionate about sticking to, because it's such a bad habit of mine. NetGalley is such an awesome resource for us avid readers and bloggers, and publishers are so incredibly generous in letting us read amazing new books before their publication. I have a bad habit of...shall we say accumulating arcs on my kindle and not getting around to reading them for ages. This is really bad book-blogger behaviour!! My goal for 2018 is to keep my feedback level at at least 75% all year around, if not better, ideally. I want to make sure I'm posting nice chunky reviews on goodreads for each of them (unless there's nothing much to say!!) a month or so before publication, if possible. Hold me to this, please!!!

2. read more books on my kindle

And speaking of my kindle, this resolution goes hand-in-hand with the previous one. I want to read more books on my Kindle, the majority of which will be NetGalley books, no doubt, because I do tend to prefer buying physical books. However, ebooks are usually a good bit cheaper - sometimes you can get two for the price of one physical book. It's a great way to save money and read more! Besides that, if I read a book on my Kindle that I particularly fall in love with, I usually buy it in a physical copy, so I can still do that.

3. write better goodreads reviews

This is another resolution that I really hope to stick to. I only ever post full reviews here on my blog of books that I absolutely adored and gave the ultimate kind of 5-star review (not even the regular 5-stars!!) and whilst I do mention every book I read in my monthly wrap-ups, those aren't proper reviews. I want to start writer more lengthy, detailed reviews over on goodreads of every single book I read - not here, because I still want to keep this space super positive and full of really special stories. I've already started this a little as of late, but I hope to continue to do so permanently. Add me as a friend/follow my reviews on goodreads here to check up on whether I'm sticking to this resolution!!

4. reread books

This is something I hoped to do last year, but I got so swept up in buying and reading new stuff that I never really got around to it. There are two categories of books I want to reread: favourites & forgotten stories. I really want to reread some of my favourite 2016 books, because they seem so distant now! I also want to reread some of the books I read (and mostly enjoyed) before I started blogging and, therefore, before I really got back into reading period.

5. more sensible goodreads tbr

I'll just come out and say it: my goodreads TBR shelf is out of control. As I write, it contains FOUR HUNDRED AND TWENTY EIGHT BOOKS!!! Is that not the most ridiculous thing you've ever heard?! Now as you can see, I set myself the goal of 100 books to begin with, before checking my actual number, so SCRATCH THAT, I'm not going to set myself an actual number at this stage, because it just seems way too unrealistic, but I do want to get it down by at least a hundred or even two hundred books. I can't possibly really want to read every single one of those 400-odd, and my TBR shelf just feels like such a mess that I can't be bothered to wade through when I'm shopping/wish-listing, which is really frustrating. Hopefully I can take control of it in 2018!!

So those are my current resolutions for 2018, reading-wise. I think they're pretty realistic for the most part, but if you have any other suggestions, please do let me know in the comments. Also let me know what your resolutions are - I'd really love to know!!

Till next time
